In 1876, the Standard Company discovered large deposits of gold in Bodie, California. Almost instantly, it transformed from a small mining camp to one of the most famous boomtowns in Western American history. Spurred on by the constant discovery of gold, mass migration towards the West Coast became commonplace. Thousands of Americans began to journey west in search of riches and wealth in hopes of going go down in history as another example of a success story.

As with any newly-created city, Bodie will require some sort of organization and code of conduct for the gold-crazed inhabitants to follow. Delegates will be comprised of both city planners and civilians in an effort to promote order within the Wild West. 

Whether you’d prefer to promote the well-being of Bodie as a whole or ensure your own interests are drafted into the laws of the land, delegates will get to work alongside each other to play a foundational role in the creation of the city.

Room Assignment: ———


Eva Headshot - Eva R.JPG


Eva Russo (CAS/Pardee ‘21 International Relations)