staff portal

Welcome to the BarMUN XIII Staff Portal!

The Secretariat would like to thank you for your commitment to staffing BarMUN XIII. Find documents and staff resources here, and keep up-to-date with announcements by joining our BarMUN XIII Staff Facebook.

If you have questions or concerns about background guides, expectations, or deadlines, please contact your relevant USG at

If you are experiencing issues with the website, accessing your background guides, or formatting, please contact us at

* this page is tentative! will be updated as it goes *

QUICK navigation

These navigations are tentative! Will be updated soon.

contact links: facebook | slack | secretariat

staff guides: sample script | parliamentary procedure

committee & staff room assignments: assignments

conference logistics: nametags | printing requests | room issues

background guides - jump to: GA | ECOSOC | CRISIS | joint crisis | ad hoc